Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Best Day!

On our way to the bus stop. 

I just had to share that I had the best morning with my little handsome boy!

The rest of the kids were at school and the house was quiet, Robert was content and it would have been tempting for me to work on my book or do another load of dishes....but with only a few hours until the kids got home I found myself on the living room floor in a fort with my little man. We were silly and read books and chased each other upstairs into the play room and served each other tea in little plastic cups. He even gave me a fork to stir my tea. :)

On the way to the bus stop we usually held hands but on this day he wanted me to carry him. Robert laid his head on my shoulder and it didn't move it until the bus came.  At one point my back was killing me because he was getting heavy but I was determined to hold on until he was ready to get down.

We stood outside in the quiet neighborhood and I rocked back and forth as he wrapped his arms around me. Oh my heart was overflowing with love! He laid his right ear on my shoulder, with his deaf ear exposed, I didn't know if he could hear me but I softly said, "I love you" and without moving he said it back to me.

I love Robert with all my heart and it brings so much happiness in my life to see him let his guard down. It reminds me of how amazing our God is. He loves us and never leaves us even when we push him away. If we can let go of our fear, we can experience His grace and love.

What a treasure this morning was for both of us. And a reminder that the time is now. Not for dishes or  television but for bonding and loving. Soon my kids will all be in school and even though I will love the free time but there is no going back. . I only have a little while to be silly with my kids with nothing else to do but have fun.

Thank you Jesus for this wonderful morning!

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