Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Maybe Next Time"


I am constantly running to that place, that dreaded place where I hear words spill out of my mouth and regret what I said in an instant. I gripe about my morning or my crazy-tornado-mess-of-a-house or my lack of coffee.

Why is it that so often, our go-to response is to complain about things, as if when we say how great things are going then we are bragging or candy coating what is really going on.

While I think there is room for the inevitable vent session now and then, I believe our grumpy attitude will creep into our daily conversations if we let it. We take our eyes off of the Lord and grumble about things that just don't matter. We forget the bigger picture.

My four-year-old son has been working on his social anxiety the last few years and I am so impressed with how far he has come. Yet, I found myself getting so frustrated with one of his coping phrases. When I would say no to something he would with out a doubt reply with, "Maybe next time?"

"Yes," I would say, "maybe next time."

It is true that hearing "maybe next time" twenty times a day became a thorn in my side but I lost sight of the bigger picture. I forgot that he was trying hard to move on and he was doing a good job. It was all about my attitude.

After feeling regret from my frustration on this topic I have tried hard to remember that when he says those words, he is trying his best to transition out and there are worse ways he could be handling the situation.

So when we find ourselves getting a bad attitude over an expectation we had, let's ask the Lord for His forgiveness and those we around us as well. And possibly remind ourselves we can make the right choice next time. Yes, "maybe next time."   :)

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